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Martial Ménard
Martial Ménard
- Communique de presse -
Tributes Paid To Breton Language Campaigner
The Breton site Support the Reunification of Brittany and the agence bretagne presse as the regional press such a Ouest-France and FRANCE 3
Par Editorial room pour ABP le 15/09/16 4:10

The Breton site Supporting the Reunification of Brittany (bretagnereunie.bzh) and the breton news media abp.bzh, as for the regional press such as Ouest-France and FRANCE 3 have paid a tribute to a life long activist for the Breton language and campaigner for reunification of the historic Breton State who has died. The newspaper Le Telegramme shunted this info.

https://abp.bzh/le-telegramme-snobe-martial-menard-40870 for ABP, http://www.ouest-france.fr/bretagne/lanrelas-22250/un-dernier-kenavo-martial-menard-figure-de-la-langue-bretonne-4470520 for OF, http://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/bretagne/finistere/quimper/martial-menard-l-une-des-grandes-figures-de-la-langue-bretonne-s-en-est-alle-1081717.html for France 3

KENAVO Martial Ménard

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