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1- DVD box Anne of Brittany 500 years. Front cover.
1- DVD box Anne of Brittany 500 years. Front cover.
2- DVD box Anne de Bretagne 500 years. Back cover.
2- DVD box Anne de Bretagne 500 years. Back cover.
3- Anne de Bretagne 2014 Committee's team meeted at La Groulais castle in Blain. They pose for the press in front of the Connétable tower, after their day's-work is finished, on March 12th. Rémi Valais 3rd on right. Between Gildas Le Minor from Pont-l'Abbé (29) and Olivier Moreau.
3- Anne de Bretagne 2014 Committee's team meeted at La Groulais castle in Blain. They pose for the press in front of the Connétable tower, after their day's-work is finished, on March 12th. Rémi Valais 3rd on right. Between Gildas Le Minor from Pont-l'Abbé (29) and Olivier Moreau.
4- Anne de Bretagne 2014 Committee's members meeting in Redon, City Hall, February 18th, 2014.
4- Anne de Bretagne 2014 Committee's members meeting in Redon, City Hall, February 18th, 2014.
- Communiqué de presse -
Anne de Bretagne 500 years: a film-report that counts in the Breton heritage
This is the 500 years after her death, commemorated throughout Brittany and elsewhere in France, including the Val de Loire, in 2014. Presented last Saturday, November 4th in Blain in preview in front of about 120 guests, it created a sensation... All people invited were concerned at one time or another by the events shown in this film, put back in memory and in pictures ; all were enchanted. Many also discovered in this report events they had not been aware of because too far away from their home. Note the words: love, symbolic keystone, symbiosis, magic, harmony, magnetism ... inspired by Anne to the presenters of the film, actors also and parts of our Duchess' 2014 commemorations.
Par Maryvonne Cadiou pour ABP le 11/11/17 13:41

Presented last Saturday November 4th at Blain in preview in front of about 120 guests, it caused a sensation...

This is 500 years after her death, commemorated throughout Brittany and elsewhere in France, including the Loire Valley in 2014.

All people invited were concerned at one time or another by the events shown in this film, put back in memory and in pictures; all were enchanted. Many also discovered in this report events they had not been aware of because too far away from their home.

Note the words love, the symbolic keystone, symbiosis, magic, harmony, magnetism... inspired by Anne to the presenters of the film, actors also and parts of our Duchess' 2014 commemorations.

The presentation on stage before the projection

The members of the Anne de Bretagne 2014 committee - with variable geometry according to the availability of each one - were on stage. They declared:

Jean-Loup Le Cuff:

(see note 1) Thanks to the Valais family and the Anne de Bretagne 2014 Committee for organizing this day of meeting around Anne.

The film we are going to discover together will remind us of all these events that flourished in 2014 as a tribute to the memory of our Duchess, and will also remind us the love that the Breton people continues to bring her today...

She is like the symbolic keystone of her People, who, around her, knows how to silence their dissensions and unite...

As far as we are concerned, in Saint-Aubin du Cormier, her effigy in granite and majesty stands on the moor, where fought our Breton and allied troops on July 28th, 1488...

And as we are persevering, she will still appear solemnly with her Breton army, for an evocation of her Tro Breizh in an independent Britatany under Louis XII, during a sound and light we will be creating three nights in a row on the first week-end of July 2019.

This show, about the battle of Saint-Aubin du Cormier, will be mounted at the La Giraudais castle, where are buried the English archers of the Isle of Wight, north of the battlefield...

N'eo ket echu an Istor Breizh... Da viken! Ken ar c'hentañ of an holl!

History of Brittany is not finished... For ever! See you soon, all of you!

Jacky Flippot:

(see note 2) I remind you that it was in Blain that this day was organized with, in the morning, the committee Anne of Brittany 2014's meeting, in the town hall. At Blaen, indeed, where Anne of Brittany and Louis XII stayed after their union on January 8th 1499 in the castle of Nantes's chapel; and it was in 1510 that Anne de Bretagne (twice Queen of France) came and spent a week at the castle of La Groulais to present her husband king Louis XII to her godfather Jean II de Rohan.

Michel Chauvin:

(see note 3) Sometimes the Bretons scratch one another, but for the death of the last sovereign Duchess of Brittany's 500th anniversary, it was really a total symbiosis among the "Anne de Bretagne committee". And with all the partners who joined us in this Commemoration. We are a few to be convinced, that from the afterlife, Anne inspired us all. There was in 2014 like magic in our Emsav, sometimes torn,... a palpable harmony.

Jakez Lhéritier:

(see note 4) Being of the Brière Special Committee, I recall that the Brière Park status, thanks to François II and Anne of Brittany, is still relevant and makes the communes work together, in undivided ownership for the management of the marshes.

Moreover, the large number of Brière municipalities in the festivities proves it: Montoir-de-Bretagne, Saint-Malo de Guersac, Saint-Nazer Kerlédé and Aluette games, Saint-André des Eaux, Ranrouet, Saint-Gildas des Bois - as well as the supports obtained quite easily from the communes and the General Council of Loire-Atlantique.

And I approve what Michel Chauvin expressed on our understanding, without difficulties, despite our various opinions.

Jacques-Yves Le Touze:

(see note 5) The Anne de Bretagne year in 2014 was a great swarm of initiatives of all kinds among the 5 departments of Brittany and we could note the popular interest for the Brittany history. This can only encourage each other to go on this way to always make our History better known.

Rémi Valais:

(see note 6) I would like to thank the people present who came from the 5 departments of Brittany, and also from Sarthe and Paris, and even from the West Indies!

A special thank to Jakez Lhéritier for all his actions that help us a lot, Alan Simon who always supports us, and Claude Nadeau, apologized today, and with whom we created the "harpsichord jingle". Illustrated by the Kamishibai (see note 7), they serve us as a transition of chapters to tell succinctly the life of Anne of Brittany through the events of 2014.

We were slow to release this film because we met some difficulties and also technical (see note 8), which is not so bad, after Jean-Loup, since it allows today to revive the subject around our duchess Anne.

This document is unique and it seems it will remain in the Heritage because it brings together the work of thousands of people attracted by Anne de Bretagne's magnetism. This film is also born thanks to our technical director Nicolas Valais.

Nicolas Valais:

(see note 9) The first difficulty was to create the film conductive thread because we wanted to tell Anne de Bretagne's story linked to the organized events. And once the frame had been written, it took time to proportionally distribute the events.

Then we decided to present the film also in Breton, which represented a considerable sum of extra hours of work, synchronization and subtitling ...

On the other hand it is surely an advantage for its marketing and especially a great educational tool for young and old, Diwan schools...

The first public screenings

- Tuesday December 5th at 8 pm, screening in Breton subtitled in French, at the Breton Cultural Center Yezhoù ha Sevenadur, 12 avenue de L'Angevinière, in Saint-Herblain (the center has moved from rue du Charron). https://maps.google.com/?q=12+avenue+of+l%E2%80%99Angevini%C3%A8re+Saint-Herblain&entry=gmail&source=g for the map.

- Saturday, February 10th, 2018 at 6 pm at the cinema La Malouine, in Sant-Malou Gwersac'h in Brière,

40 rue Aristide Briand, screening in French, paying session. Inquire: 06 11 83 89 07

To get the DVD

- They can be ordered (20 euros) from Rémi Valais productions in Guenrouët.

34 La Burdais 44530 Guenrouët

Contacts: tel.: 02 40 00 18 92 and 06 83 04 34 69, and remi [at] remivalais-production.com

For purchases from abroad and outside the euro zone, please contact Rémi or your bank for conversion into euros.

- They will be placed in consignment-sale at the Brittany Cultural Agency of Loire-Atlantique in Nantes, since November 15th.

24 quai de la Fosse, 44000 Naoned / Nantes

5th level of Espace Jacques Demy

Tram 1 Mediathèque

Contacts: phone: 02 51 84 16 07 and email: degemer [at] acb44.bzh

https://www.acb44.bzh/ of the ACB44, and the blog: https://acb44.wordpress.com/

The promotion

A radio program is scheduled on AlterNantes 23, 24 and 25 November: broadcast "Bretagne Zone Heureuse", the official magazine of the Breton Cultural Agency. The show airs 3 times at different hours: Thursday, November 23 at 4:30 pm, Friday, 24 at 11 pm and Saturday, at 10 am.

On both frequencies of AlterNantes: 98.1 (Saint-Herblain transmitter) and 91 (Campbon transmitter).

The trailer

The trailer is on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYW0aJlL20I&feature=youtu.be, added on January 16th, 2015 by RV Production. In 2'36 it presents the DVD Collector Anna Breizh 2014, and explains how to order it with the newsletter to download. In 2015 two disks were planned instead of one in 2017.

The embed link to share it on other websites is to get from the film above.


A DVD Bonus: Alan Simon offers us 3 excerpts from his opera-rock, the last, Anne de Bretagne Zenith 2014 we filmed, a real pleasure, says Rémi! Within it the remarkable Bro Gozh va Zadoù sung by Anne Cadorel.

The opera-rock had been premiered on June 29th and 30th, 2009 in Nantes in the castle's courtyard. To watch two video clips on ABP: ( voir notre article )

The conference, at Redon Town Hall, on February 18th, by the historian Philippe Tourault served us as landmarks to separate the different parts of Anne de Bretagne's life (biography).

We did not leave each other like that. A glass of friendship had been organized in the hall behind the cinema, where Laurent Guillet, of ciders Kerisac, offered his cider, Edouard Massart and Philippe Chéneau proposed and represented the Breton wines.

On page 6 of the press kit is the list of filmed events.

The DVD is in 2 versions. In the Menu you must first choose the language, Voice in Breton or French, then the subtitling in Breton, in French or without subtitle, and after, you come back to play the movie.

Rémi will receive the remaining 900 DVDs coming, around November 14th


(0) Autor's note: In 2014 Google gave 418,000 or 419,000 responses for "Anne de Bretagne". At this moment the answer is 492,000! In 28 pages. What happened ?

For "Anne of Brittany": 543,000 on April 12th, 2014 and 231,000 results on Nov. 10th 2017. Half less.

The difference in results is minimal between search engines.

As ABP reported on a number of 2014 events, we will quote hits articles in the following notes.

Autor's note again. Considering Michel's Chauvin quote (see note 3), as I was with them (photo 3) at Blain, I can testify: there was fervor at this meeting.

(1) Jean-Loup Le Cuff: president of MAB (Breton Archipelago Museum), living in Gosné (35), very concerned by the site of Saint-Aubin du Cormier' battle of 1488: In 2000-2001, our defense group successfully opposed the Department's profaner project to landfill with garbage the north / north-east part of the field of the important European and Franco-Breton battle of 1488, which led to the loss of Brittany's independence. Laying to rest there are about 8,000 men of ten different nationalities, English, German, French, Flemish, Swiss, Spanish, Basques, Neapolitans, Gascons and many Bretons.... This case brought to light ignorance and disrespect for the Breton History, which is still not taught in the five departments of Brittany schools... See more on one of his ABP articles by searching MAB, Musée Archipel Breton (in French).

(2) Jacky Flippot: from the Château Essor Blinois association http://chateaudeblain.pagesperso-orange.fr/ and councilor in Blain, passionated about La Groulais castle's history in Blain, and passionated about Berligou wine ( voir notre article )

(3) Michel Chauvin: a Breton activist long time ago, president of Dihunerien association (The Waking ups), producer and initiator of many Breton shows, whom we see in the film at the Oratorio part:Anne de Bretagne rebirthing from Roland Becker, of which he encouraged the creation, and also at Saint-Aubin du Cormier's commemoration.

(4) Jakez Lhéritier: from Saint-Nazaire. He created a Brière special committee, very active for the Brière events of 2014 and he continues, to broadcast the DVD, organize at least one projection of the film in Brière.

(5) Jacques-Yves Le Touze: Anne de Bretagne 2014 Committee's president, initiator of many events, of which he reported the announcement and / or the reports on the Committee's website he created: https: // annedebretagne2014.wordpress.com/ a wealth of information.

(6) Rémi Valais: the DVD's director, cameraman, see his site of producer of promotional videos: http://www.remivalais-production.com . He tells us that a 70-minute film on the 2013 Tour de France (cycling) in Saint-Gildas des Bois (Loire-Atlantique) is now used as a reference for the Tour de France Committee: https: / /www.youtube.com/user/remivalaispro

(7) Kamishibai : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamishibai on English wikipedia. Presented at Dinan https://annedebretagne2014.wordpress.com/2014/05/20/la-vie-de-la-duchesse-anne-de-bretagne-sous-forme-dalbum-kamishibai/ of Anne de Bretagne Committee 2014, which reports the article of Ouest France.

(8) ( voir notre article ) when a double DVD was planned for 2015, but health and technical problems delayed the release and changed the game.

(9) Nicolas Valais: the director's son, technical director, he is a photographer, editor, cameraman. He also is a drone pilot, which is why you will see surprising images that seem to be filmed from an helicopter!

Translation from ( voir notre article ) by Maryvonne Cadiou.

Document PDF DVD Anna Breizh 1514-2014. Press kit, 2017, in French.. Source :Rémi Valais Production
Document PDF Order form of Anne de Bretagne 500 years DVD. In French. Source :Rémi Valais Production
Nantes Multimedia covers Breton news in Nantes/Naoned and in the Loire-Atlantique department.
[ See all articles from from Maryvonne Cadiou]
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