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Expulsion of the Roms, deprivation of French nationality: No ethnic cleansing !
Brotherhood of Druids, Bards and Ovates of Brittany, Gorsedd Breizh. The word Communitarism is frequently used in certain circles to monopolise the Republican Idea and discredit the action of cultural, religious or ethnic groups, blocking recognition of their rights
Par Ludovic Louboutin pour Gorsedd de Bretagne le 1/09/10 23:08

Breudeuriezh Drouized, Barzhed hag Ovizion Breizh

Brotherhood of Druids, Bards and Ovates of Brittany Gorsedd

Press Release

Expulsion of the Rom, retreat from French nationality

No to ethnic cleansing !

The term Communitarism is frequently utilised in certain circles to monopolise the Republican Idea and discredit the action of cultural, religious or ethnic groups blocking recognition of their rights. This ‘etiquette’ has been applied notably to the defenders of Breton language and culture .

The actions of these human groups even when engaged in democratic struggle is deemed to put in peril the unity and indivisibility of the Republic.

The Gorsedd of Brittany, the brotherhood of Druids, Bards and Ovates of Brittany , a society of humanist thought wishes to focus attention on a raw reality in the face of front-room fantasy masquerading as philosophy.

In fact there is no alternative but to conclude that discrimination as a principle, emanates most firmly from the very top of the Republican State. In reality this rank today knows how to manipulate the distinctions between the different stakeholders of French Nationality in total contravention to the 1st article of the Constitution.

More serious still : the Directors of the French Republic are carrying out a selective operation of repression and of stigmatisation against a particular ethnic group, in the shape of the Rom, as much citizens of Europe as the French.

This visible slide into disgrace has made its presence known in the wake of the sickening atmosphere which was introduced along with the ‘debate’ on the French national identity.

The foreign press has already categorised the political practice of the French government as Ethnic Cleansing .

The Breton Gorsedd condemns this Security unpinning as the racist stink of a government trying to disguise the matters that gnaw at it, and the obvious political social and economic stasis . We call for participation in the action led notably by the League for the Rights of Man on the 4 September next.



For Gorsedd Breizh, Per Vari Kerloc'h

Grand Druid of Brittany

Translation Mick Paynter.

Document PDF Brotherhood of Druids Bards and Ovates of Brittany against the ethnic cleansing. Press Release in Kemper August 26th 2010. . Source :Goursez Breizh
Gorsedd Breizh: Brotherhood of Druids, Bards and Ovates of Brittany, created in 1899.
Fraternité des Druides, Bardes et Ovates de Bretagne, fondée en 1899.
[ See all articles from Gorsedd de Bretagne]
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