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New Stories from The Mabinogion : 4 new books. Meet their authors in Cardiff
Dating back centuries, the eleven stories in the Mabinogion bring us Celtic mythology, Arthurian romance, and their own view of the Island of Britain. There is enchantment and shape-shifting, conflict, peacemaking, love and betrayal. Each author reinvents a story in their own way, creating fresh, contemporary tales
Par La Rédaction pour ABP le 20/10/10 19:37

Dating back centuries, the eleven stories in the Mabinogion bring us Celtic mythology, Arthurian romance, and their own view of the Island of Britain. There is enchantment and shape-shifting, conflict, peacemaking, love and betrayal.

In the « New Stories from the Mabinogion » series, published by Seren Books, the old tales are at the heart of the new. Each author reinvents a story in their own way, creating fresh, contemporary tales that speak to the reader as much of our own world as of events long gone.

Esteemed Welsh authors Owen Sheers, Gwyneth Lewis, Russell Celyn Jones and Niall Griffiths come together for this exclusive event to discuss their new adaptations and reworkings of the Mabinogi stories with Seren fiction editor Penny Thomas. The audience will have the opportunity for Q&A and the chance to get all four books signed by the authors.

– Owen Sheers : White Ravens ;

– Gwyneth Lewis : The Meat Tree ;

– Russell Celyn Jones : The Ninth Wave ;

– Niall Griffiths : The Dreams of Max and Ronnie ;

This is expected to be a very popular event. Early booking is advised to avoid disappointment.

Thursday 28 October

The Saint David's Hotel & Spa, Cardiff Bay

7.00 pm for 7.30 pm start

Tickets: £10.00 / £8.00

For information and to book tickets contact Academi:

029 2047 2266

post [at] academi.org

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