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Saint Yves' day, the National Celebration of Brittany
Today is Saint Yves' day, the national celebration of Brittany ; therefore the External Federation of the Breton Party would like to wish all the best to the Bretons and people who
Par Gérard Olliéric pour Parti breton le 19/05/08 13:28

Today is Saint Yves' day, the national celebration of Brittany ; therefore the External Federation of the Breton Party would like to wish all the best to the Bretons and people who like Brittany and care for her.

Also today, more than another one, it is necessary to celebrate Brittany in her entire diversity, by honouring all those, who every day, despit huge difficulties, work on her recognition, and her cultural, economic and political development.

We do think of the Breton language, the future of which is more than uncertain. However, without the will of the Bretons to make it live, hand it down through the next generations, it would have disappeared a long time ago. The Bretons who have settled down abroad, faithful to their openmindeness, will not miss celabrating this occasion with the people of their host countries.

It is important to keep in mind the attachment of Brittany to the values of our Democratic societies, tolerance, Human Rights and Peoples'respect, beliefs that she shares with the other European nations. More than ever these values make her fully part of Europe !

Gouel Sant Erwan laouen ha bevet Breizh !

London, For the External Federation of the Breton Party, Alexandre Delin http://www.partibreton.org/fedext

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